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Virtual recruiting Best practices for hiring remotely during Covid-19 and beyond

July, 2021

Remote working as an impact of Covid 19 has made the hiring process virtual. Technological advances have enabled people to do their work from anywhere across the globe. It has also made recruiters hire talent from any corner. Remote working helps firms to find the right talent from anywhere as people can now work just from the comfort of their homes.

However, remote hiring and remote managing may seem intimidating. A few strategies should be looked upon to hire the right candidate for the correct position irrespective of their locations. Remote workers are also more productive and flexible.

All you need to be concerned about is – hiring the right hands. Let us have a read on best practices to look upon during the virtual hiring process.

1. Test candidates’ skill remotely

Usually, programming jobs may receive many applicants, and it is essential to weed out those who don’t meet your firm’s requirements. This sorting out in the initial stage will make the rest easier. Make use of a skill assessment tool to test and select those ready to move to the next round. There should be no compromise in quality for hiring the perfect candidates.

2. Test the right things

Recruiters must make the best use of online time with candidates. Develop a clear idea of the skills you are looking at each stage of your interview. In remote interview , you won’t get the luxury of having an in-person interview, so use the time wisely and be sharp to notice their skills. Focus on the real-world skills essential for the job title and ensure the candidates are prepared for each stage appropriately.

3. Over-communicate

Remote interviews lack the opportunity of creating an in-person connection with your candidate. To ensure the candidates don’t suffer, over-communicate with them by making them updated after each round of interviews. It will make a feeling that they are being valued and make a good brand impression.

4. Be transparent from the start.

Make sure your updates reflect transparency throughout the hiring process. Keep them informed about every round of the interview, how many rounds of remote interview they will face, what all skills will be evaluated in each round, what technologies will be used during the interview process etc. Candidates may face issues because they have to face the interview remotely, and maybe this will be the first time they are attending a remote interview in their whole life. Help them by clarifying their issues.

5. Eliminate distractions

This is to be taken care of in an interview situation for both parties. The interviewer and candidate should sit in a place deprived of distractions. During the interview process, you should give your undivided attention to choose the right candidate. Inform your family members or roommates that you need a quiet environment as long as the interview lasts, also silence notifications from apps like Skype, Slack, Gmail, etc., so they don’t distract you during the conversation. Make sure your internet connection is stable so that you don’t get disconnected during the call.

6. Introduce company virtually to the candidates

During the remote interview process, introduce the company’s culture and employees to the candidate to make them aware of the company culture and norm. To convey this first-hand, create a branded content package and share it with the candidate; this package might include the following:

  • Content on press coverage based on your firm
  • Employee profiles, mainly those of team leads, may do
  • Videos, photos that reflect your company’s culture
  • Company highlights

Prepare yourself and be proactive.

When you conduct virtual interviews, maintain the same seriousness as in-person interviews. Your goal is to achieve a high-quality professional interview that will reflect your company’s culture at its best. Conduct some practice sessions and videotaping to sense your body languages and habits that need to be changed.

Consider these tips when you conduct your next virtual hiring:

• Be aware of the job description. Take a printout and keep it handy.

• Be ready with candidates’ resumes and ask queries if you want to specify any area.

• Create an interview guide and make use of it for consistency with each candidate

• Plan interview structure, timing, and sequencing beforehand

• If you have to conduct more than 3-4 interviews, be ready with each one’s resumes and the job roles you are going to hire

• Inform the candidates about the meeting 24 hours prior

• Find a quiet area with adequate lightning to conduct the interview.

• Position your laptops in a way your face is visible; placing a couple of books under your computer will do the trick.

• Test your audio and video before the interview, also be familiar with the ‘mute’ button, turn off audio, video, etc

• Sign on to the virtual meeting platform at least 10 minutes before starting the meeting

• Drink water and be prepared with the things you may need, including printouts, pen, paper, etc.; make these things handy.

• While conducting the interview, do not forget to make eye contact.

• Do smile (naturally) to make a real-world connection with the candidate.

• When you start the interview, ask something casual to break the ice, it can help make the candidate comfortable.

It is challenging to create a human experience via technology, but we need to adopt approaches to optimize interviewing processes and reap better outcomes. Virtual recruiting may require your patience and effort, but it will benefit you if you incorporate these tips during your virtual hiring process.

Finally, if a rejected candidate approaches you to know the reason behind their dismissal, be open to sharing their feedback. It conveys fairness in your selection process and will also help them in their future interviews. Have a proper plan beforehand, organize things, and conduct high-quality virtual interviews.

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